The Ae270 Spirit is a large-cabin, pressurized aircraft designed to carry up to 10 people (two crew plus eight passengers).
Ibis Aerospace Ltd. announced at the 5th annual European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition in Geneva that its Ae270 propjet is in the final stages of certification by European and United States airworthiness authorities. The Ae270, a single-engine turboprop aircraft designed to function as both a utility and executive transport, will be certified under FAR Part 23 normal category and eligible for FAR Part 135 IFR operations. The Ae270 was first introduced publicly in 1999, and its first flight was completed in July 2000.
Ibis Aerospace has achieved two major milestones in the Ae270’s development program. First, the company made a solid push towards receiving aircraft type certification by completing the flight test regimen as required by the Czech Aviation Authority approval process. The final certification test flight was made on May 10, 2005, as the aircraft returned safely to its base near Prague, Czech Republic. Second, the manufacturer has also delivered all but a handful of the required reports, with the remaining being finished at the present time. The CAA and the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration are currently reviewing certification of the Ae270 jointly.
The CAA, in close cooperation with the FAA, has conducted a preliminary review of the available certification documents. FAA representatives have flown the Ae270, and their comments are that they consider the aircraft’s operational characteristics to be “quite good for its class.” Like other comparable aircraft, the Ae270 will require certification category exceptions. However, the aircraft exhibits equivalent levels of safety for those exceptions. It’s expected to be a few months before the final approval is given due to routine paperwork and coordination among the CAA, European Aviation Safety Agency and FAA.
Following type certification, Ibis Aerospace will continue to work on enhancing the aircraft type. Developments are underway to enhance the overall value of the Ae270 by improving several key performance areas through a number of design initiatives presently being discussed. Extensive market reviews have shown high potential for this class of aircraft with improved performance. Ibis Aerospace forecasts a positive outlook for future sales of the Ae270, as well as future profitability for the company and its investors.
News of certification follows a recent announcement that Ibis’ investment partners have committed to further development of the Ae270 propjet venture. In November 2004, Ibis Aerospace shareholders, AIDC of Taiwan R.O.C. and Aero Vodochody of the Czech Republic publicly reaffirmed their support for the Ibis joint venture, specifically to the Ae270 aircraft program.
In October 2004, the executive configured aircraft made a successful first U.S. appearance as Ibis Aerospace ferried its Ae270 to Las Vegas for display at NBAA. This exhibit of the Ae270 marked the first public display of the Ae270’s completed executive interior.
The Ae270 Spirit is a large-cabin, pressurized aircraft designed to carry up to 10 people (two crew plus eight passengers). The Ae270 can also be configured for bulk cargo.
Ibis Aerospace’s U.S. Marketing and Sales Center is located in Kerrville, Texas.
For more information, visit [http://www.ae270.com].