
Aluminum Overcast Center of Nostalgic Hangar Dance

Aluminum Overcast Center of Nostalgic Hangar Dance

By Bill Stansbeary

Aluminum Overcast was the center of attention at a nostalgic hangar dance held in June at Centennial Airport.

Aluminum Overcast was the center of attention at a nostalgic hangar dance held in June at Centennial Airport.

Following a record-breaking visit last year, Wings Over the Rockies again invited a rare B-17 to visit Denver for flights and tours. The Experimental Aircraft Association’s Flying Fortress, Aluminum Overcast, was the centerpiece for a B-17 hangar dance held at Centennial Airport-based International Jet Aviation Services on June 9.

Greg Anderson, Wings over the Rockies CEO, pointed out that this event was designed to honor the brave veterans who made our way of life safe. Co-chaired by Peter and Betsy Luce and Charlie and Gayle Johnson, the hangar dance provided an opportunity to dine and dance under the wings of the amazing B-17 and to relive the awe-inspiring days of World War II. Nostalgia, a 17-piece orchestra, played the big band sounds of the time period. Cowtown Catering provided USO-style food and B-17 veterans provided guided aircraft tours. B-17 flight simulators were available courtesy of Wings Over the Rockies and Microsoft.





