
EBACE Does It Bigger and Better

EBACE Does It Bigger and Better
Jack Pelton, Cessna CEO (left), and Roger Whyte, senior VP, announced that the Citation Mustang has achieved European Aviation Safety Agency certification, making it the first next-generation, entry-level business jet certified in Europe.

Jack Pelton, Cessna CEO (left), and Roger Whyte, senior VP, announced that the Citation Mustang has achieved European Aviation Safety Agency certification, making it the first next-generation, entry-level business jet certified in Europe.

By Bill Stansbeary

The 2007 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition, held May 22-24 at Palexpo in Geneva, Switzerland, has become Europe’s premiere business aviation event. This year, there were more than 11,000 attendees. More than 350 companies exhibited. More than 50 business aircraft were on static display at Geneva International Airport and five aircraft at PALEXPO.

The numbers alone tell only part of the story about the growth of EBACE. The rest is told when attendees recognize the worldwide acceptance of business aviation.

Companies around the world are pursuing the competitive advantage attained using business aircraft.

The European Business Aviation Association and the National Business Aviation Association jointly host EBACE each year. Attendees come from as far away as Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America.

Dr. Bertrand Piccard delivered the keynote address at the convention’s opening general session. Brian Humphries, EBAA CEO, and Ed Bolen, NBAA president and CEO, moderated a session titled “How Business Aviation Helps Fuel the European Entrepreneurial Spirit.”

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