Brian J. Terwilliger (left), producer and director of “One Six Right,” and Kevin LaRosa (right), aerial director and helicopter pilot, visit with Ian Hoey, sweepstakes grand prize winner, and his son Brennon.
By Fred “Crash” Blechman
Over $50,000 worth of prizes was awarded recently to 52 randomly selected winners of a sweepstakes sponsored by Terwilliger Productions in connection with the Brian J. Terwilliger documentary film, “One Six Right.”
Terwilliger, the independent producer and director of “One Six Right,” earned acclaim in both entertainment and aviation circles for his film, which pays homage to general aviation and the rich history of Southern California’s Van Nuys Airport. More than 50,000 copies of the DVD have been sold worldwide.
The “One Six Right” website received more than 14,000 individual sweepstakes entries. The “Meet the Stars” grand prize went to Ian M. Hoey of Sacramento, Calif. This prize, valued at $19,100, included an exclusive flight package for two to Van Nuys Airport, a “One Six Right” high definition screening, a three-night stay in the Airtel Plaza Hotel Presidential Jacuzzi Suite, helicopter and limousine rides, and flights in various aircraft in the film. Hoey will also receive a four-day, full-size car rental, $500 in spending money and meals with various individuals connected to the film, including legendary aerobatic pilot Bob Hoover; journalist and author Barry Schiff, 47-year ATC veteran Phil Aune and Terwilliger.
Hoey, 39, a California Highway patrolman, chose his 14-year-old son, Brennon, as his partner for the grand prize festivities, which took place in early June in Los Angeles. Hoey, a beginning pilot, has about 10 hours of flight instruction. Recently, he did some extreme flying with Eden Shalev, in his Pitts S-2B.
“I’ve been in everything from Cessnas to 747s, but until today, I never actually flew!” declared Hoey.
Hoey enjoyed 20 minutes of stick time during a never-to-be-forgotten flight in the two-seat, dual-controlled P-51 Mustang shown in the film. Brennon also got to fly in two of the film’s planes. After this experience, both Hoey and his son now plan to take flight instruction.
“I’ve always been a big aviation buff,” Hoey stated. “When I watched ‘One Six Right’ on Discovery HD, it really hit me. I immediately went to the website to order the DVD. I entered the sweepstakes thinking I might win a DVD. It turned out I did win the DVD—and everything else that went with it! I loved the movie. The cinematography was amazing. Brian beautifully melded together the history of Van Nuys Airport with general aviation.”

L to R: Ian Hoey, with son Brennon and Kevin LaRosa, can’t help smiling after his ride in LaRosa’s P-51 Mustang.
The “Become a Pilot” first place prize winner was Lisa Kagarise of Glendora, Calif. With a value of $18,900, this included a flight training package of up to 60 Cessna 172 rental hours, dual flight instruction, ground instruction, various accessories and a $1,000 gift certificate for Sporty’s Pilot Shop.
Kagarise, 43, a behavioral specialist, loves flying and always requests window seats when traveling in a passenger plane. She’d never flown in a small plane.
“I always wanted to become a pilot, but I didn’t think I would ever have the opportunity,” she said.
Kagarise’s sister, Laura Smith, entered her in the sweepstakes. After winning the first place prize, she viewed the DVD for the first time.
“Knowing that I actually will get to do that, I started to cry at three or four different points watching the film,” she said.
Terwilliger and Jim Pitman, regional manager of Cessna Pilot Centers, awarded Kagarise her prizes at the Airtel Plaza Hotel. Her sister and brother-in-law Darin Smith (who is a pilot) accompanied her to the award ceremony. Her 15-year-old daughter Cambria and 17-year-old son Brandon, who just enlisted in the Air Force, were also there.

L to R: Laura Smith watches as her sister, Lisa Kagarise, receives the “One Six Right” sweepstakes first prize from Brian Terwilliger. Smith entered her sister’s name in the sweepstakes.
Among the many accessories Kagarise received were two Bose noise-canceling headsets, a complete $329 Cessna Private Pilot Multimedia Training System and a moving map Garmin GPS. She also got to sit in the pilot’s seat of a Cessna 172, flown in from Phoenix by Pitman for the occasion. It was her first time ever in a light airplane.
Each of the 25 second place winners received a $370 package including Microsoft Flight Simulator X Edition and CH Products Flight Sim Yoke and Pro Pedals. Twenty-five third place winners received a package valued at $120, which included autographed “One Six Right” DVDs and soundtracks and limited edition movie posters.

Several family members accompanied Lisa Kagarise to the Airtel to receive her prizes. L to R: Brian Terwilliger, Kagarise’s daughter Cambria, Kagarise, son Brandon, Laura and Darin Smith, and Jim Pitman, Cessna Pilot Centers, who helped present the prize.