By Jerry Lips

National Aviation Hall of Fame Executive Director Ron Kaplan flew in from Dayton, Ohio, to officiate Sean and Linsey’s wedding.
The Porsche Business Aircraft and Jet Previews are rolling across America. With half of the shows scheduled for 2007 completed, it’s been interesting to see firsthand the synergy between the international standard of automotive engineering and the world of aircraft. I usually try to avoid the word synergy; it seems all too overused and often ambiguous. However, Porsche and aircraft just go together, from the engines’ precision machining and ergonomics of their cockpits to the drivers and flyers themselves. The shows have benefited from the sophisticated interests of the Porsche market and vice versa.
We would like to welcome Fortune Magazine as the official media sponsor of the Porsche Business Aircraft & Jet Previews. Fortune will be running coverage of the shows in upcoming issues.
Congratulations to my new son, Sean Carter, of Perfect Landing Restaurant fame. Sean and our daughter, Linsey, were married Saturday, August 18, at the Wings Over the Rockies Aviation Museum. Linsey will continue to publish the four California Airport Journals and help manage the Jet Previews, with a lit-tle less travel than before.
- L to R: Justin, Kyle, Jerry, Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Sean Carter Jesse Kellen and Paul.