By Henry M. Holden

You Can Fly” provides the right questions and the right answers to what can be an overwhelming experience.
Deciding to take flight training can be a confusing challenge for many prospective pilots. “You Can Fly,” by Greg Brown and Laurel Lippert, sorts through the ground clutter, and provides the right questions and the right answers to what can be an overwhelming experience. This slim, 114-page book is colorful and user friendly. The visual appeal of the cover is continued throughout the book with photos by Tom Lippert, and relevant sketches.
The book answers commonly asked questions throughout its eight chapters, such as “Why fly?” to “What can I do once I’m a pilot?” It addresses the important issues of selecting the right flight instructor, as well as the right flight school. It discusses common issues that the novice has no clue about, such as what to expect during flight training, the airplanes and the “right age” for flight training. It explodes some of the myths about learning to fly such as costs (not as expensive as most people think), if you have to be a math wizard (the answer’s no), gender (yep, there are still people who question if women can fly) and if you have the “real stuff.”
This book also covers some of the nitty-gritty information such as requirements for a private pilot certificate and maintaining it, as well as physical exams. It also points out the importance of making sure your flight school has “stage checks” where at points throughout your training you’ll fly with another experienced instructor who will make sure your training is going well. Stage checks are like getting a second opinion, which can be helpful.
One appealing part of this book is the sidebars and sketches sprinkled throughout it. The photos and color illustrations are visually appealing with an layout attractive.
“You Can Fly,” at $19.95, is a small investment for the amount of vital information it contains. It’s an excellent addition to the plethora of books on the topic, and a must-have for anyone thinking of flight training. FBOs and flight school libraries would be wise to stock this book and recommend it to prospective students.
“You Can Fly” is available through its publisher, Aviation Supplies and Academics, Inc., at [], or your favorite aviation supply store.